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Our own Hobbit creation with our new product: Tofu Hazelnuts.
The Italian Kitchen always scores and is also our favourite!
We made the classic putanesca sauce with our Tofu Hazelnuts.
200g spaghetti, olive oil, 1 shallot, 1 garlic glove, 1 chili pepper, 2 tablespoons capers, 100g black olives, 400g peeled tomatoes, freshly ground pepper, sea salt, fresh parsley.
1/ Remove the skin from the garlic and shallt and cut into small pieces. Cut the bottom and top of the chili. Remove the seeds and cut into fine rings. Cut the black olives into fine rings.
2/ Heat 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil in a pan. When the olive oil is hot, add the garlic, shallot, chili, capers and black olives to the pan. Fry these ingredients for about 3 to 5min.
3/ Add the peeled tomatoes so they can absorb all those delicious flavors. Season with freshly ground pepper and sea salt. Tast the sauce and put the pan on low heat and let the sauce simmer.
4/ Boil water to cook the spaghetti 'al dente' and then drain it. Stir some sauce through the spaghetti to prevent it from sticking.
5/ Cut the tofu hazelnuts into dices, fry it gently in the pan with some oil and serve with the sauce, garnish with some fresh parsley.