Ingredients for 8 pancakes 175 g courgette, 2 spring onions, green included, ½ bunch of chives or other fresh herbs of your choice, 200 ml water, 100 g chickpea flour, ¾ teaspoon herb salt, ½ teaspoon baking powder, pinch of black pepper Add: 1 pack of De Hobbit Broccoli spread, cucumber slices, chives
Blend the courgette, spring onion, half bunch of chives or herbs and water to a smooth, green liquid. In a bowl, mix together the dry ingredients. Add the green mixture to the dry ingredients while stirring continuously. Beat lightly with a whisk. Heat some oil in a small pan on a medium heat, and cover with a lid. Ladle a wooden spoon of batter into the pan to form a small, thick pancake. Place the lid on the pan and cook until the bottom of the pancake is golden brown and the top has almost solidified. Leave the pancake alone for as long as possible, to allow the chickpea flour to bind. You can always turn down the heat if the bottom cooks too quickly. Turn the pancake over carefully and fry until golden brown. The pancake may be a little runny inside. However, the batter will set when the pancake cools. Serve the pancakes lukewarm with a spoonful of De Hobbit Broccoli spread, cucumber slices and chopped chives.