Recipe for 2 persons: 1 packet tofu from 'De Hobbit’, 1 red onion (finely chopped), salt and pepper, ½ tsp curcuma, 1 clove of garlic (finely chopped), fresh parsley (finely chopped), 2 tbsp nutritional yeast, 200 to 250 ml soy cooking cream, 4 tbsp chickpea flour or rice flour, 1 tsp baking powder, ½ courgette (finely chopped), 10 forest mushrooms (cut into wedges), olive oil.
Fry half
the onion and garlic in a little olive oil with a pinch of salt.
Put the
fried onion in a blender and add these ingredients: the tofu, baking powder,
soy cream, chickpea flour, salt and pepper, curcuma, noble yeast and 2 tbsp
chopped parsley. Blend until you have a thick, runny 'dough'.
In the same
pan, fry the mushrooms, the other half of the onion and the courgette in olive
oil with salt and pepper until tender and set aside.
Heat a dash
of olive oil in a pan and wait until the pan is hot. Put 3 heaps of tofu
mixture from the blender into the pan and spoon a tablespoon of
mushroom/courgette mixture on top. If air bubbles appear in the dough, use a
spatula to flip the mini omelette over and bake for a few more minutes until
the omelette is golden brown.
Keep the
mini omelettes warm in the oven while you continue baking.
Serve with extra parsley and bread.